
Smith (A. S. D.)

  • 1883–1950
  • Caradar ... A. S. D. Smith
  • poets, scholars, linguists
  • (agents)
Cornish bard and linguist, also known by his bardic name Caradar.
Nance, Robert Morton, A. S. D. Smith, and E. G. Retallack Hooper, Gwryans an bys: or, The creation of the world, Redruth, Cornwall: Dyllansow Truran, 1985.
Hooper, E. G. R., R. Morton Nance, and A. S. D. Smith, Passyon agan Arluth: Cornish passion poem in Unified Cornish, Cornish Language Board, 1972.  
Edition in Unified Cornish orthography, with an English translation.
Smith, A. S. D. [Caradar], “An examination of the functions and forms of the Cornish verb bos”, Journal of Celtic Studies 2 (1953–1958): 156–172.


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